AWM Story of the Week: Star Wars Day

Every week, the AWM is excited to bring you stories written by our visitors in our Story of the Day exhibit. Check back weekly for new stories, and visit the Museum to try out our typewriters and possibly be featured here!

In this special edition, we are featuring stories of balance and light. May the 4th be with you.

Did Rey visit the Museum?

Once a long time ago there was a very bored individual. She looked to the sky to find meaning but it was only a vast expanse of blue. She turned to the sea but found the same hue had only become darker and murkier. Dismayed, she found tears had begun to swarm in her eyes, making the entirety hazier than before. She lifted her head to the sky and the tears fell away and she could clearly see the black abyss that yawned before her.

And she understood.

We all must balance how we use the Force, er…words:

Words. The power of words, the power to change, enrage, engage, anger, soothe. It allows us to express, unlike all the animals here in this place. We live with these words every day, we rely on them. Typewriters like this gave way to the computer in my lifetime, the irony of the ‘paperless’ world we were supposed to see is even more paper, more words on the Internet, our phones, our texts all throughout the day – the power of words repeats. One of the ironies of our age is the death of newspapers, magazines, and yet we drown in words, and we drown in misinformation from bloggers, Russians, some bunch out there who just doesn’t care. Never before had we been surrounded by so many vendors of ‘information’ and yet trusted so little in the ability of journalists to tell us about reality. The sad, scary era of alternative facts is upon us. The medium is the message, we were told, a medium which can be a force for good, or the playground of the manipulator. This is our struggle.

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